BECG are pleased to announce that we have become proud partners with The Green Halo Partnership.
The Green Halo Partnership envisions a global exemplar of precious landscapes working in harmony with a thriving, economically successful community. They bring together businesses, communities, charities and universities in the South of England, including The New Forest and Hampshire County Council.
Their mission is to:
- Inspire by promoting best practice in protecting and enhancing natural capital and ecosystem services
- Encourage by developing and delivering new projects
- Support by identifying resources for projects and offering expert advice to help deliver them
- Inform by continuing to promote and publish research on ‘natural capital’, and by communicating its activities to local communities.
Samantha Clough, Director for BECG said:
“BECG is committed to working with our clients and partners to create thriving environments that improve people’s health and wellbeing. Our understanding of the region and its challenges and opportunities should enable us to make a positive contribution to the Green Halo Partnership.”
You can visit for more information about the partnership.