Water Resources West

Water Resources West

Cavendish was instructed to develop and facilitate a consultation programme for Water Resources West on its 25-year water resource plan.  


Water Resource West

The digital approach successfully brought together stakeholders covering a broader geography than would typically have been possible with face-to-face regionalised events.

Water Resources West

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around corners.



Water Resources West commissioned Cavendish to deliver a hybrid consultation for Water Resources West on its 25-year water resource plan. ​Over 1,000 stakeholders from different sectors needed to be engaged including regulators, NGOs, business.



The multi-faceted consultation encompassed a wide range of topics such as water transfers, environmental direction,  options for water sourcing, and usage of public sector water courses. Responding to the challenges of Covid19 and social distancing our approach combined a mix of in-person and online activity

Our online conferencing platform facilitated the first webinar, allowing attendees to hear from Water Resources West and ask questions about the plans, vision, and future of the project.​

A series of interactive workshop sessions for stakeholders walked attendees through future plans and asked them to identify geographical areas of interest on an interactive map of the region.

For the third and fourth workstreams, we launched an online consultation hub, IdeaStream. This encouraged online discussion and allowed stakeholders the opportunity to engage with plans in their own time. All feedback collected through the hub was stored and analysed through our stakeholder database.

​​Our approach successfully brought together stakeholders covering a broader geography than would typically have been possible with more traditional face-to-face regionalised events. Over 70 people attended the webinar, a virtual workshop was attended by 30 stakeholders from the private and public sectors, and IdeaStream provided a platform for stakeholders to share their feedback.

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