Navigating complex stakeholder engagement

Cavendish supported Farnborough Airport’s planning application by executing a comprehensive engagement programme, effectively communicating with multiple authorities and community stakeholders.


Farnborough Airport


Cavendish successfully delivered an engagement programme.


Cavendish was instructed to provide support for Farnborough Airport’s planning application for a series of proposed operational changes and an extended community funding programme.

With multiple authorities potentially impacted by the proposals, and 8 MPs to be engaged, this presented a challenging matrix of political and community stakeholders to navigate.


Working closely with the Airport’s team and its technical consultants, Cavendish successfully delivered an engagement programme which saw delivery of 117,000 newsletters, 6 in-person exhibition events, multiple media interviews, and a range of stakeholder meetings from Parish Councils to MPs.

Cavendish utilised in-house expertise to prepare different mediums of collateral to help communicate the need for the application to the community.

The application has now been submitted and is being considered by Rushmoor Borough Council.


This is an ongoing project and so far the impact of it has resulted in:

  • The delivery of 117,000 newsletters
  • 6 in-person exhibition events across four local authorities
  • Newspaper and radio media interviews upon consultation launch and application submission
  • 1,250 event attendees 
  • 175 stakeholders contacted during the consultation
  • 6 social media adverts
  • 12,000+ website views
  • 527 emails received
  • 7 MP meetings during the planning consultation
  • A further 15 stakeholder meetings during the planning consultation, including briefings for the full Council, Consultative Committee, Council leaders and Cabinet members, and ward Councillors.

Across the 6-week consultation period, a total of 2,511 feedback form submissions were made.

The application has now been submitted and is being considered by Rushmoor Borough Council.


In-person exhibition events across four local authorities


Form submissions over a 6-week consultation period

Work to be proud of
