The pioneering of hydrogen integration

HyDeploy aims to be the UK’s first project to inject hydrogen into a natural gas network, showcasing a safe and adaptable alternative to fossil fuels through a year-long trial at Keele University.


Cadent Gas

What we provided

The first project in the UK to inject hydrogen into a natural gas network.


The aim of HyDeploy is to be the first project in the UK to inject hydrogen into a natural gas network. Subject to Health & Safety Executive approval, the project plans to run a year-long live trial of blended gas at Keele University.

The challenge was to highlight the benefits of HyDeploy to stakeholders, particularly focusing on how it offers a safe, adaptable, alternative to fossil fuels and that it would not present a change in service for customers.


Cavendish was appointed to develop key messages for the project and undertake the media relations and stakeholder engagement for the launch of HyDeploy at One Great George Street, Westminster. A wide range of communication tools were employed to ensure industry, academic, political and statutory stakeholders attended the launch event and were fully informed about the project and the potential benefits.

Cavendish secured media coverage from national, local and trade/industry media outlets, including interviews with representatives from each of the consortium partners. Cavendish arranged Sir Edward Davey MP (former Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change) as the keynote speaker, who spoke passionately about the benefits of HyDeploy.

On the night we also filmed vox pops of Sir Edward and key consortium representatives which enabled the key messages to be delivered across various social media platforms.

Work to be proud of.
