2024 Marketing Trends  

Written by

John Burns


2024 Marketing Trends   

Last year, we took a deep dive into the future of marketing, exploring everything from the surge of content generators driven by internal advocates to the takeover of user-generated content, stealing the spotlight from traditional influencers. We talked about AI stepping up its game in content creation, emphasising the irreplaceable human touch. And, we dipped into the metaverse, and shed light on the growing importance of sustainability and carbon footprint offsetting. 

As we bid farewell to the past year and prepare to kick off 2024, it’s time to spotlight the next big conversations in marketing, both in the UK and across the globe… 

The continued dominance of Video Marketing in 2024… especially short form 

In the coming year, expect video marketing to continue to be king. Brands are increasingly using video formats to tell their stories, introduce products, and connect with their audiences. And its versatility, from short form social content to longer-form storytelling and branded content, positions it as an effective tool for engagement across digital channels. 

This is only complemented by the growing prevalence of live streaming and interactive video formats, which offer brands more opportunities to engage with their audience in real time and cultivate meaningful interactions. 

The evolution of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in Marketing 

Despite the initial buzz surrounding the metaverse, a year later, Facebook’s rebranding to Meta underscored a commitment to nurturing the virtual environment. However, we’ve observed a noticeable dip in interest since then. While we don’t foresee the metaverse disappearing, its evolution might take more time than initially anticipated. 

Looking ahead, a prominent trend for the upcoming year is the surge in immersive technologies, offering brands fresh opportunities to craft interactive and captivating experiences for their audiences. Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) have already begun reshaping how consumers engage with brands and make purchasing decisions, and we anticipate this momentum to grow even stronger in 2024. These technologies offer a dynamic way for brands to create memorable interactions that leave a lasting impact on their customers and stakeholders. 

Creating immersive experiences for your customers can help foster a more profound connection with your brand. Making you more memorable in a word where we consumers are bombarded with messages. 

AI is reshaping our industry 

Building on our discussion from last year, the influence of AI in marketing tools has grown rapidly. Staying ahead in this competitive landscape requires a solid grasp of AI tools and emerging trends. The expansion is evident, from social media management platforms to the emergence of AI-powered tools for content generation, copywriting, and design. The impact of AI is undeniable and is reshaping the industry. 

Despite this evolution, the human touch remains essential. Activities like audience research, crafting compelling content, driving engagement, and, notably, personalisation still benefit significantly from human input. There’s no doubt though that it can help speed things up for all of us. In navigating the ever-changing AI landscape, finding the right balance between technological advancements and human insights will be the key to success.  

User-generation content and growth of influencers  

Influencer marketing and making the most of user-generated content (UGC) are still in the spotlight when it comes to marketing strategies. We used to think that bigger follower counts meant a bigger audience, without consideration for the nano influencers (the ones with less than 10,000 followers). We think we’ll start to see more of a shift to a growing preference for nano influencers due to their content appearing more genuine that resonates with audiences. It won’t just be about the big numbers; it will be about making that authentic connection. 

A greater emphasis on responsible marketing 

It’s no secret that sustainability talk has been part of brand rhetoric for quite a while. The environment is stealing the spotlight more than ever. With extreme weather events and cost of living crisis grabbing headlines and a realisation that both are serious matters, we should start to see more responsible marketing campaigns. It’s not just a buzzword anymore. People are keeping a close eye on the impact their choices make on the planet – including which brands they support and trust.  

Prioritising diversity, inclusion, accessibility, and neurodiversity 

In 2024, we think there will be an increasing expectation for visible efforts to celebrate diversity with brands making a significant shift towards prioritising accessibility, inclusive design, and neurodiversity. It’s not just a visual update; it’s a dedicated commitment to creating experiences that cater to everyone, irrespective of abilities, backgrounds, and neurodiverse perspectives.  

So that’s our predictions for the year ahead. We’ve touched on several key trends, including the evolving landscape of augmented and virtual reality, the impact of video marketing, and the continued influence of AI. The shift towards authenticity in influencer marketing, sustainability as more than a buzzword, deeper brand experiences, and a heightened focus on diversity and inclusion will all characterise the marketing landscape for the coming year. 

In particular, the rise of nano influencers emphasises genuine connections over follower counts, while a commitment to accessibility, inclusive design, and neurodiversity signals a significant shift in brand priorities. As we venture into 2024, marketing is about crafting authentic and meaningful experiences that resonate with customers and contribute to a more inclusive and sustainable future. 

To find out more about the award-winning services we provide to clients, visit: https://cavendishconsulting.com/expertise/digital-engagement/


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