Post Grenfell the Government is amending the Fire Safety Bill and has introduced the draft Building Safety Bill to reform the building safety system. The legislation is expected to place greater responsibility on landlords for their properties being fire safe and compliant. This has meant that many landlords are now undertaking large amounts of remedial work either to correct issues or to future-proof properties.
The Hackitt Report recognised that residents need to have a voice in how their homes are managed and to have access to information that might impact where they live. To successfully achieve a programme of work it is vital that a landlord is transparent and that residents and local stakeholders understand the work that is taking place and if any disruption might occur.
BECG and Inside Housing have launched a survey to know more about the sector’s current approach to communicating with residents on fire safety work, future plans, and any challenges landlords have encountered in achieving this.
This short survey should take no more than 7 minutes to complete. Your answers will give us valuable insight into the current situation, and help inform a report in a future issue of Inside Housing. We will not identify the source of any answers in this report without express permission from the individual concerned.
As a thank you, we will – with your permission – enter you into a prize draw to win a £100 Amazon voucher.