Supermarket Social:

Written by

Charli Edwards


Is retail stepping up to take on the loneliness crisis?  

The sense of loneliness can affect us all.  Around a quarter of adults (25%) reported feeling lonely, isolated, and disconnected from their communities.

Surprisingly, supermarkets are increasingly playing a role in helping people feel less lonely. Helping consumers and local businesses come together during trying times, offering practical advice and a social hub for those seeking social interaction.

A Lingering Concern

Loneliness is a widespread problem that affects people of all ages. It is defined as feeling alone and disconnected from others, even in the midst of a crowd. Loneliness can be caused by various factors such as social isolation, lack of intimate relationships, and even negative life events. Loneliness can harm physical and mental health, leading to an increased risk of depression, anxiety, and other health problems. Despite the growing awareness of loneliness, it remains a lingering concern that requires attention and action. It is time for us to start a conversation about loneliness and take steps to combat it. We must build more meaningful relationships and stronger communities that support one another.

A staggering 6% of respondents admitted to experiencing this emotion frequently or always during this period, up from 5% in the previous assessment. Even more striking was that a quarter of the adult population (25%) reported wrestling with loneliness at various degrees, compared to 23% in the previous period. This subtle but significant increase illuminated the importance of social connections in times of uncertainty. In tandem with loneliness, anxiety cast its shadow over the population. A remarkable 34% of adults disclosed experiencing high levels of anxiety. This figure was even more pronounced among the younger demographic, with 42% of individuals aged 16 to 29 reporting heightened anxiety levels. Furthermore, women appeared slightly more affected, with 37% acknowledging similar feelings of unease. This pattern signified the need for targeted support systems to address mental health concerns.

Rising Costs of Living:

As life moves forward, everything seems to become increasingly expensive. From housing to groceries, the cost of living seems to continue its upward trend. There’s no doubt that these rising costs cause a pervasive strain on individuals and families alike. With limited income, getting by becomes much harder as the price of necessities continues to climb. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and frustrated by this reality.

Perhaps one of the most pressing issues people are grappling with is the rising cost of living. A recent survey found that a staggering 88% of respondents reported increased living costs over the past month. Compared to just a few months ago, it’s an alarming shift that has left many financially stretched.

Supermarket saviours?

Supermarkets are a unique public space that can provide an environment for friendly conversations and social connections. By enriching the customer experience with an intentional focus on creating meaningful conversations, store owners may be able to alleviate some of the loneliness and anxiety of their customers. Furthermore, they could create additional opportunities for those struggling with mental health issues to seek help in a non-stigmatising space. After all, no one should struggle alone.

Chatty Checkouts

The UK program, “Chatty Checkouts”, was launched in 2017 by the Co-op, inspired by a store manager who noticed that some elderly customers seemed to be coming into the store just to chat with the cashiers.

Initially launched in 100 Co-op stores, it quickly expanded to over 1,000 stores across the UK. The program was so successful that it was adopted by other supermarket chains, such as Tesco, Sainsbury’s, and Asda. The Chatty Checkouts program has been praised by experts for its role in reducing loneliness among the elderly. A study by the University of Exeter found that the program helped to reduce loneliness by up to 20% among elderly customers.

The program was praised by customers with 90% of customers who had used the Chatty Checkouts program saying that it made them feel less lonely. This simple but effective way to help reduce loneliness among the elderly is a program that can be easily adopted by supermarkets of all sizes – back in 2019, The Dutch government launched a similar program as part of the government’s One Against Loneliness Campaign.

The Power of Small Talk

Small talk may seem insignificant, but it can have a powerful impact on our daily interactions. Encouraging customers to strike up conversations with store staff and other customers not only improves their shopping experience but also fosters a sense of community and connection. A friendly greeting or a quick chat about the weather may seem like small gestures, but they can make a big difference in how we feel about our interactions with others. By promoting the power of small talk, we can create a more welcoming and positive environment where everyone feels valued and heard.

It’s not just supermarkets taking control:

Social spaces:

Community cafes and social hubs are cropping up across the UK, providing spaces for individuals to unite, engage in conversation, and build meaningful relationships. These establishments often offer various activities and events, creating a sense of belonging for attendees.

Digital Inclusivity:

Recognising the significance of online connections, various organisations have launched digital inclusion programs. These efforts aim to equip individuals, especially older adults, with the skills and resources needed to navigate the digital world, facilitating communication and social engagement.

Inter-generational Programs:

Housing associations and developers are connecting different generations can be enriching for all involved. Inter-generational programs, such as mentoring initiatives or joint activities, bridge the gap between age groups, fostering mutual understanding and companionship.

Local Events and Festivals:

Community events and festivals provide opportunities for residents to come together, celebrate shared interests, and forge connections. These occasions often serve as catalysts for building a sense of community and belonging.

#loneliness #socialising #community #engagement


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