New 50 Shades of Planning Podcast – A Plan for England

Kevin Whitmore BECG

Written by

Kevin Whitmore


A Plan for England

What is to be done about the ongoing vacuum at the heart of the English planning system? Is it time to contemplate a ‘Plan for England’ and, if so, what does that look like? What is it for? What does it include? Is it a single document with nation-wide coverage or a composite of regional priorities? Where does responsibility for it sit? From which organisations and institutions does power have to be taken or conferred in order for a Plan for England to be prepared?

These are questions that four friends of the podcast, Catriona RiddellIan WrayJim Steer and Matthew Spry, ruminate on during an online conversation recorded for this episode.

If you’d like to take part in the podcast or want help managing or launching your own podcast then please get in touch on 0161 359 4100 or email Kevin Whitmore.


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