We have partnered with the UK Green Building Council (UKGBC), and a coalition of almost 100 partner organisations across the built environment sector, to support the delivery of a Built Environment Virtual Pavilion, ahead of the UN’s COP26 Climate Summit in Glasgow this November.
The latest events from the Built Environment Pavilion’s Build Back Better virtual exhbition will host events which highlight the built environment’s role in tackling the climate and ecological crises.
Check out the events below:
Monday 1st November
12:00-13:00: A Pledge for COP26: The critical role of cities in meeting the climate ambitions
Tuesday 2nd November
09:00-10:00: A human future: A new skills paradigm for our transition to zero carbon
12:00-13:00: How can smart flexible buildings help us reach net zero?
Wednesday 3rd November
09:00-10:00: Building net zero: Mobilising capital for a sustainable built environment
12:00-13:00: Decarbonising the UK’s housing stock: finding the £250 Billion
Thursday 4th November
09:00-10:00: The Retrofit Opportunity
12:00-13:00: Sustainable city regions: How can we enable zero-carbon living at scale?
Friday 5th November
08:00-09:00: Empowering young people to become the climate aware built environment professionals of the future: What do we need to do now?
12:00-13:00: Why circularity should be your route to net zero
Monday 8th November
09:00-10:00: Quantifying the costs of (in)action: the measurement and reporting of physical climate risks to built assets
12:00-13:00: Race to resilience: How to finance the build asset adaptation gap
Tuesday 9th November
09:00-10:00: Safe, sustainable & healthy: The relationship between building safey reform, sustainability and wellbeing
12:00-13:00: Innovation at the heart of a zero carbon built environment
Wednesday 10th November
09:00-10:00: Designing a green and resilient built environment- What do we need to do now and in the future?
12:00-13:00: Planning for transport and connectivity: How do we build holistic net zero and resilient places of the future?