While the construction and infrastructure sector has made significant strides forward in recent years on improving diversity and inclusion, it is still the case that at many levels the industry does not reflect the wider society that its work impacts upon.
At a leadership level, our sector needs to be more representative of the general population and that means recruiting more women and more people from diverse backgrounds to key roles. Given that spending on construction is set to increase dramatically as the UK looks to build back better following the pandemic, the industry will need to recruit new talent in numbers to be able to deliver the projects and schemes that need delivering. This webinar will look at how we go about ‘opening up’ construction and building a diverse industry at all levels.
Infrastructure Intelligence have partnered with BECG for a series of free virtual roundtables, webinars, and interviews which will bring the infrastructure community together to share and learn from their experiences and to focus on what a successful future should look like for the sector.